mic issues in 13.10

Kevin Olbrich kolbrich at dolphin-it.de
Fri Jan 17 18:36:25 UTC 2014


is this a built-in mic or external?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards,
Kevin Olbrich.
Web: http://kevin-olbrich.de/
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Am 17.01.2014 um 19:29 schrieb Drac Noc <drac.noc at gmail.com>:

> I had issues with my mic on both 13.04 and 13.10 with Skype, same symptoms as 
> yours. 
> The only thing that worked for me was to drop the PCM setting in alsamixer to 
> about 67%. 
> On Friday 17 Jan 2014 08:09:37 Gary Kirkpatrick wrote:
>> When I used both skype and google telephony I can hear just great but the
>> other party has a lot of problems hearing me.  The sound is very scratcy
>> and comes and goes a lot.  I have noted some references to skype and 13.10
>> in particular but nothing on both it and google so I am thinking this issue
>> goes beyond skype.  I wonder if any of you have thoughts or suggestions.
>> I just did a skype test call and got the very same fading and scratchiness.
>> thanks
>> garyk
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