Ubuntu Server 12.04 spontaneous random reboot? nothing in log!

Keith keith.w_65 at centurylink.net
Mon Feb 17 18:18:29 UTC 2014

[posted to "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
<ubuntu-users.lists.ubuntu.com> & emailed]
On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 22:33:46 +0500, Muhammad Umair
<muhammaduma1r at hotmail.com> wrote:

> We have a few Ubuntu servers running in our lab, on some of which we have  
> experienced random reboots. A reboot may happen with a gap of a few days,  
> or may not occur at all. On one machine for example the exact reboot time  
> was "Wed Feb 12 12:56 EST".

You need to do a memtest to see if you have faulty memory. When a computer
spontaneity reboots that indicates a hardware failure. So if it's not a
memory defect then you will have to take it to a computer tech.

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