How to create my own Contact Details .desktop File

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Feb 15 22:04:18 UTC 2014

On 15 February 2014 21:35, Amichai Rotman <amichai at> wrote:
>  Hello All,
> Thank you for your patience for looking in despite the cryptic subject....
> ;-)
> I am a self employed computer repair technician and I try to install Ubuntu
> for my customers, when it applies to their need...
> Currently i am using the regular Ubuntu 12.04 ISO from the Ubuntu download
> page. I was thinking of automating the post install procedure by using the
> OEM Install option.
> The thing I am missing is something similar to the OEM branding in Windows
> 7:
> I want to add my logo and my contact details (phone, email, web site) to the
> System Settings (Gnome Control Center).
> I understand I need a .desktop file withe the correct categories configured
> as described it this [1] link, but I need an actual executable to be ran by
> that file...

I think you forgot the link.


> => I don't want to violate any Ubuntu / Canonical Licence.
> => I want it to by in such a format so the user won't be able to change the
> information and make use of my logo...
> Any pointers / ideas?
> Thanks!
> Amichai.

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