Ubuntu Compatibility Check

Amichai Rotman amichai at iglu.org.il
Thu Feb 13 12:02:27 UTC 2014

Hi All,

I have already asked this question here, but got no responses at all, so
I'd give it another try:

I work as a computer technician at a small PC Repair Lab. I treat a lot of
Windows 7 machines and not one of my customers liked the new Windows 8....

I want to make the best of this opportunity and switch them to Ubuntu.

I would like to have a nice eye-candy app (similar to Speccy by Piriform
[1]) I can run on their current Windows (XP / 7) machine that will scan
their computer and produce a report for Ubuntu compatibility, i.e:

* A table that shows Hardware components and a nice green V sign next to it
(or a yellow sign with a link to the relevant Ubuntu HCL category)

* A table with the currently installed software on one side and the
available FLOSS alternatives with links to their Web pages.

This app should have internet access and connect to a constantly updated DB
of apps and hardware info. It would be best if it could connect in the
back-end to a community updated Web site or something like
Alternative.to[2] and be a portable app.

I am not a programmer, so I would't know the first thing about creating
such a program....

Thoughts / Ideas / Suggestions?

[1] http://www.piriform.com/speccy
[2] http://www.alternative.to/

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