installing second o.s. on external hard drive

Pete Smout smoutpete at
Sun Feb 9 08:58:31 UTC 2014

@google hope you enjoyed reading this, It had nothing to do with you!
sent from my HTC.
On Feb 9, 2014 6:34 AM, "Gary Kirkpatrick" <garyartista at> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 6:24 AM, Gary Kirkpatrick <garyartista at>
>> On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
>>> On 8 February 2014 17:57, Gary Kirkpatrick <garyartista at>
>>> > Oops!  Sorry, I neglected to mention that I have no internal hard
drive.  It
>>> > cratered and instead of putting new money into somewhat damaged
computer I
>>> > decided to just use the external, which has 13.10 on one petition,
>>> > on another.  So i take it there would be no issue then?
>>> Shouldn't be.
>>> It'd be faster if you just removed it from the case & fitted it to the
>>> PC, though.
>>> --
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>> garyl
> I could remove the exernal drive but we use it back up files from the
other computer.  We would lose that capability.  We could do it with a usb
but much slower when doing a complete backup.  We could do it via Samba but
a bit slow too.
> Now something quite anticipated did happen.  I started to install from
the usb onto the external, stopped to ask this question, but somehow ubuntu
14.04 was installed on the external, in the partition we use for backup.
It boots to that partition unless I have the usb in!  However, the usb has
been wiped completely clean!  I just reinstalled 14.04 to it.
> So somehow I have to put grub onto the 14.04 partition.  I have no clue
how to do that-  grub rescue would not know to do that, would it?

No but bootrepair would
Click on advanced then grub options tab and select the device to install
grub onto!
Be sure not to purge your existing grub (it has a check box for that)

Note: boot-repair will boot via grml-rescue-boot (available in repos)
without burning to cd very handy feature that should be default on all
*buntu distros!

Hope this helps

Pete s

How about if I erased the 14.04 files from the backup partition?  Or could
I just change it in gparted from a boot partition and then use boot
repair?    I will give that a try.  This is a spare computer so no biggie
if I lose it all.
> garyk
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