oddity with moving "Link" icons on desktop (Ubuntu 13.10 Unity)

Karl Auer kauer at biplane.com.au
Sun Feb 9 07:02:15 UTC 2014

Another odd thing.

I have two desktop icons, one a link to a URL, one an application
launcher. Both icons work - click on one and the URL is opened in
Firefox, click on the other and the application is launched correctly.

I am logged in as kauer.

/home/kauer is my home directory.

Both .desktop files are physically in /home/kauer/Desktop

kauer at karl:~$ ls -la /home/kauer/Desktop
-rwxr-xr-x  1 kauer kauer     97 Feb  9 17:36 slimp3.desktop
-rwxr-xr-x  1 kauer kauer    196 Feb  9 17:38 summer.desktop

Both .desktop files have permissions "-rwxr-xr-x".

I can move the application icon around on the desktop. That is, I can
click-and-hold, drag the icon to somewhere else on the desktop, let go
and the icon stays where I dropped it.

But when I try the same thing with the URL icon, it doesn't stay where I
drop it. It stays right where it was, and an error dialogue opens

   Error while copying "/".
   There was an error copying the file into /home/kauer/Desktop.

If I then click on the "Show more details" button, it adds:

   Error opening "/": Is a directory

Just for fun I tried using the Gnome Tweak Tool to set "Have file
manager handle the desktop" to OFF. The desktop icons disappeared
completely, so I switched it back to ON. :-)

Actual .desktop file contents below. A couple of lines are probably
wrapped in this email.

Mystified I am.

Regards, K.

slimp3.desktop (can't be moved):
[Desktop Entry]

summer.desktop (can be moved):
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=gnome-terminal --working-directory=%f -x screen ssh -X
Comment[en_AU]=SSH to summer

Karl Auer (kauer at biplane.com.au)

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