Nikolai Cassanova: Help installing ubuntu 13.04 along side windows 8

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Feb 5 01:29:28 UTC 2014

On 4 February 2014 15:48,  <nikolaigauntiet at> wrote:
> I need help installing ubuntu 13.04 along side windows 8.  The reason is
> becasue on my campus there are thousands of students with virus on windows
> and they come to me asking me to install ubuntu 13.04 since I have told
> them you can't catch viruses when you run linux.  The problem is that when
> I install ubuntu along side windows 8, I can't get back into windows.  For
> some reason grub doesn't know the correct location of where the windows 8
> OS is on the hard drive.  How can I fix this problem?

While Robert H's response is a little harsh, he makes a good point.

Also, you have not really given us anything to go on. No error
messages, no exact problem description, no details of what you have

Liam Proven * Profile:
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