Nikolai Cassanova: Help installing ubuntu 13.04 along side windows 8

nikolaigauntiet at nikolaigauntiet at
Tue Feb 4 15:48:27 UTC 2014

Buenos dias,

I need help installing ubuntu 13.04 along side windows 8.  The reason is
becasue on my campus there are thousands of students with virus on windows
and they come to me asking me to install ubuntu 13.04 since I have told
them you can't catch viruses when you run linux.  The problem is that when
I install ubuntu along side windows 8, I can't get back into windows.  For
some reason grub doesn't know the correct location of where the windows 8
OS is on the hard drive.  How can I fix this problem?  Thanks in advance.

Nikolai Gauntlet Cassanova

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