Newer kernel for Trusty?

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Wed Dec 31 18:39:55 UTC 2014

On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 1:51 AM, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:

> MR ZenWiz wrote:
> > The kernel in Trusty has been crashing so frequently I'm tired of even
> > trying to use it any more.
> >
> > Is there a partial upgrade for the 14.04.1 LTS kernel only, say to
> > 14.10?
> >
> > Something goes wrong at least once a day, and this is ridiculous.  I
> > hate to put it that way, but what a mess.
> Have a look at the package "linux-generic-lts-utopic". If you need
> something similar like a signed kernel, search for "-lts-utopic".
Before swapping out the kernel, you might try to determine the part of the
system causing the crash. Have you tried booting from a pristine Trusty
image (USB stick or CD) and seeing if it crashes then?

Here's one list of suggestions for tackling system crashes:

After ruling out a memory issue I believe you can also rule out problems
with kernel modules by rebooting in "recovery mode" and seeing if the
problem goes away. Of course the system might not be very functional in
recovery mode, but if you have been able to get it to crash when doing
particular activities this might help isolate it.

Of course if the crashes seem random all of this becomes pretty difficult.

You might also look in the various log files such as /var/log/syslog or
/var/log/dmesg or even ~/.xsession-errors and see if you can see some
entries that seem to occur just before the crashes.
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