Xsane not working

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 23 17:49:49 UTC 2014

On 12/23/2014 08:58 AM, Scott Blair wrote:
> On 12/23/2014 11:41 AM, NoOp wrote:
>> You have a lot of issues going on there... in order to troubleshoot this
>> issue I recommend disconnecting all other external devices & then try
>> again.
>> BTW: to fix the nss-myhostname issue:
>> $ sudo apt-get install libnss-myhostname
> Here is all the output I can get, this is after I unplugged everything 
> from my computer except
> for my printer.:
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9604919/

And... did you try scanimage, xsane et al?

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