xorg.conf permissions

steve reilly steve at reillyblog.com
Mon Dec 22 23:57:47 UTC 2014

> Actually that makes sense. TwinView only supports combining the X
> screens of one GPU.
> Can you try the following?
> Your xorg.conf has comments from the newer version of nvidia-settings
> that you were using earlier. Can you backup the current xorg.conf and
> generate a new one with "sudo nvidia-xconfig"? After rebooting, try
> using the System -> Preference -> Display configuration panel instead
> of nvidia-settings to adjust the layout of your displays.

Backed up xorg.conf as old, generated a new one and ran the
nvidia-xconfig, rebooted.  when trying the ubuntu display config, it
doesnt recognize the second card.  All I have the option of doing is
adjusting each monitor connected to one of the cards. (geforce 9800gt)

tried "detect displays" as well.

this is my current xorg.conf  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9599984/

and this is current nvidia settings, http://imgur.com/QGsPSQh  I
havent touched anything yet.  both cards show up, and the second one,
geforce 6200 is currently disabled by default.  only option i have for
that one is to create new xscreen.

I know the 6200 is old, you think its just not supported anymore by
the current driver?


Steve Reilly

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