Printer disappeared

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Thu Dec 18 03:44:24 UTC 2014

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 8:20 PM, Scott Blair <scott.blair at> wrote:
> I am running Ubuntu 14.10, did the latest update think it was a kernel
> update, from what I could tell, now my printer is no wheres to be found.
> I go into System Settings and then printer and the Add button is greyed
> out. I unplugged the USB cord and put it into another slot to no avail.
> Any ideas?

It sounds like CUPS (the printing software) isn't running. You said you
remember installing a kernel update. Did you reboot the computer
afterwards? (I believe kernel updates require a reboot, though for some
reason I have seen them where the system didn't tell me to reboot.)

After rebooting, try opening a web browser on your computer and point it to
this address:


You should see the web interface for CUPS running on your system.
Occasionally I have been able to make a printer work using the CUPS web
interface when the GUI interface failed, but those situations are very

I suspect there's some reason the CUPS service didn't come up properly.
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