install from tarbal file

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at
Mon Dec 1 01:53:40 UTC 2014

(2014/12/01 5:21), Colin Law wrote:
> On 30 November 2014 at 17:50, Thomas Blasejewicz <thomas at> wrote:
>> Good evening
>> I found that there is this software called "fantasdic" (supposed to be a
>> dictionary reader)
>> and would like to try that.
>> BUT ...
>> it is provided online
>> as a "tar.gz" file.
>> In the readme file it says:
>> Requirements
>> ------------
>> Ruby >= 1.8.0:
>> GTK+ >= 2.6:
>> Ruby-GTK2 >= 0.14.1 [*]:
>> Ruby-GetText >= 0.6.1 [**]:
>> Intltool [**]:
>> [*]: Required libraries are: Ruby/Libglade2, Ruby/Gtk2 and Ruby/GdkPixbuf2.
>> Ruby-GTK2 0.16 is however highly recommended.
>> [**]: Optional.
>> Install
>> -------
>> $ ruby setup.rb config
>> $ ruby setup.rb setup
>> ($ su)
>> # ruby setup.rb install
>> OK. -> I installed each of the "requirements", except for the GTK+,
>> where synaptic gives a million files and I have no idea which one to choose.
>> Next I did all that command stuff.
>> Yet, I still have only a bunch of folders and files.
>> Nothing to "run".
>> WHAT do I have to do to make this thing work?
> I don't know, but try typing
> fantasdic
> in a terminal.
I tried that first.
It did give me either nothing at all, or one item "run fantasdic" -> 
whichi did do nothing at all.
(I tired to install 2-3 times)

>> (why does everything under linux have to be such an incredibly
>> complicated and incomprehensible task?)
> I think Ubuntu is much more comprehensible than windows.
> Colin
Maybe it is more comprehensible for people with a degree in computer 
Which then means, I am not qualified to use Linux.
No offense, but the 3-click process: .exe file -> install -> finish
is for my  taste a lot easier than the above described procedure.
Even if I do not know what is going on "behind the curtain". But then 
again, I do not care about that part of my computer life.

That said, I AM (!!!) trying to switch my work environment to linux.
Which requires to have something to "work with" ...
I will put that something in a different thread.

Thank you.

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