Upgrade 10.04 to 14.04?

William Scott Lockwood III scott at guppylog.com
Sun Aug 31 04:44:02 UTC 2014

>> Can I reasonably expect to be able to upgrade this machine, or should I
>> bite the bullet and re-install?

So, I'd be prepared for both. Have a complete up to the minute backup,
then try to upgrade to first 12.x LTS, and then 14.x LTS. I suspect
this will not work, but it might. I wouldn't trust an important
machine in production that way, but they may be willing to. When and
if that fails, you have the backup - do a reinstall and import all
their data, or roll back to it's current config.

Most importantly, don't do this without the ability to roll back.
That's a disaster waiting to happen.

W. Scott Lockwood III

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