upload files and folders to a site?

Dave Stevens geek at uniserve.com
Sat Aug 30 20:29:33 UTC 2014

Quoting Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com>:

> On 30 August 2014 05:24, Dave Stevens <geek at uniserve.com> wrote:
>> I can do an upload with ftp but I'd like to move a folder and all contents -
>> both files and subfolders to a specific url with one command. Anyone care to
>> recommend a program?
> Provided you are sending to a decent system (that is one that supports
> rsync) then use rsync.  It is unbeatable.
> Colin

I appreciate everyone's advice. I found nice clear set of instructions here:


That seems to be just what I want for this (honest-to-god) one time  
transfer but I'm getting a glitch I don't understand - I'm the server  
admin for the target so I can make changes if necessary. The problem  
is like this:

Password: **********
connect failed: No route to host.
connect failed: No route to host.
connect failed: No route to host.
Falling back to PORT instead of PASV mode.
connect failed: No route to host.
connect failed: No route to host.

and it loops like this. I can manually ftp to the identical site with  
the credentials I'm using and can move files one at a time. I have  
searched and don't see what the relevance is of the iptables stuff, my  
manual connect works fine through the same firewall. Ideas?

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