nameserver query?

Brandon Vincent Brandon.Vincent at
Tue Aug 26 20:24:17 UTC 2014

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Dave Stevens <geek at> wrote:
> Does anyone know how or if I can query a nameserver to find out what domains
> it provides services for? So I'd like to do something like:
> dig bla bla bla
> and get a list of domains for that server.
> TIA,
> Dave

To request all the records for a particular domain, you can issue a
DNS AXFR query to a nameserver.

dig -tAXFR

However, I can guarantee you that nearly all internet facing DNS
servers are not going to honor your request for an unauthenticated
zone transfer. Servers that do usually find themselves being utilized
in DDoS amplification attacks.

Brandon Vincent

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