Running windows programs under Linux

Stephen stephen_o at
Tue Aug 26 14:57:57 UTC 2014

On 14-08-25 04:50 AM, Peter Goggin wrote:
> Further to my earlier message I have installed Virtualbox on my test 
> machine. I have installed Windows XP and Office XP in the virtual 
> machine. I now want to be able to exchange data betwen the Virtual 
> Windows machine and the Ubuntu operating system. So far I have tried 
> copying the files to a cd but the virtual machine (Windows XP) claims 
> the cd is the wrong format although it was created by a windows XP 
> laptop.  I have copied the files to a usb stick but I cannot see how 
> to access it from the Virtual XP machine.  Is there any way of 
> accessing the virtual machine disk space from the linu host and vice 
> versa?
> In many ways Wine would be the best solution since I can find all the 
> files  in the liniux home directory, but I cannot get FreeBMD or BMD 
> verify to work  in Wine and I cannot use MsAccess in wine because I 
> only have Office P and this does not work according to the Wine site.
> Regards
> Peter Goggin
> ---
> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
> protection is active.
Start Virtualbox.

Select the operating system you want to access from linux and to linux

There is an option there called Shared Folders Click on that.

Click on the pic of a folder on the right side with the + sign in it.

You get a box for folder path, and Folder Name. When you click on the 
downward pointing triangle on the right edge of the of folder path you 
will get a picture of a folder that says Other.

When you click on that you will get a file browser and you can choose 
any folder on your user file directory. After you select that and give 
it a name you can access it from the virtual operating system, or place 
files from linux in that directory to be used by the Vbox.

I install my windows programs in an added directory that is in my home 


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