Encrypted password input window abandons focus in Trusty 14.04 / LO 4.2.6

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 20:18:58 UTC 2014

I recently installed Xubuntu 14.04 on my home desktop since I have
been using it at work for about 3 weeks and all has gone relatively
well there.

However, when I open an encrypted .odt document using the command line
or a shell script, the focus shifts to the password input box for a
fraction of a section and immediately reverts to the starting terminal

This is annoying in part because when I type in the password, it shows
up in the terminal window, which is a huge no-no for security, and in
part because I have to manually shift the focus back to the password
input window.

This should not happen - the password window should grab the focus and
hold it until the password is input.

This does not happen if I start LO directly or through a keyboard
shortcut and then enter the file to open.

Whose bug is it - LO pr Xubuntu?  I don't know how to tell.


I can make screenshots available if needed....


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