Running windows programs under Linux

Chris Green cl at
Mon Aug 25 09:02:23 UTC 2014

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 02:19:27AM +1000, Peter Goggin wrote:
> Since I cannot find a direct replacement for MS Access I am
> considering running Windows in a virtual machine. I understand that
> the two main programs are VMWare and VirtualBox. Most of my laptops
> have 2Gb of memory. Will this be sufficient to allow me to have
> Ubuntu as the main OS and run Windows XP in a virtual machine? Both
> the ubuntu and the windows are 32 bit versions.
I run MS Access in a VirtualBox virtual machine using XP.

My XP guest has 1Gb allocated to it so you should be OK with 2Gb of
memory in total, it might start getting a bit creaky if you try and do
too much at the same time in the Linux host.

Chris Green

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