strange nfs problem, need nfs guru

Tom H tomh0665 at
Fri Aug 22 13:20:13 UTC 2014

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> On Thursday 21 August 2014 17:19:05 Tom H did opine
>> I haven't used 10.04 in a while but IIRC nfsv4 wasn't what it is now:
>> - "-t nfs -o nfsvers=4" and "-t nfs -o vers=4" weren't yet available
>> so you have to use "-t nfs4" (which still works but has been
>> deprecated)
>> - you have to add "fsid=0" (or "fsid=root") to "/etc/exports" and you
>> have to use "mount -v -t nfs4 /path/to/dir" to mount
>> the "/home/gene" export (but you still have to use "mount -v -t nfs
>> /path/to/dir" for nfsv3).
> I'll see if I can decode that and make it work in the morning. I've been
> doing some badly needed yard work and am about ~30~ for the day now in
> terms of thinking clearly. Right now a nearly 80 year collection of aches
> & pains is clamoring for my attention. :)
> One more question, would this work if I changed the nfs spec in the fstab
> file for nfs4?

On coyote:

In "/etc/exports":

/home/gene lathe(rw,sync,fsid=0) shop(rw,sync,fsid=0)

On lathe/shop:

mount -t nfs4 coyote:/ /path/to/dir

and if the above works, in "/etc/fstab":

coyote:/ /path/to/dir nfs4 defaults 0 0

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