Cannot boot from CD or external USB
Thomas Blasejewicz
thomas at
Fri Aug 22 11:06:58 UTC 2014
Good evening
So far nothing worked. I will summarize what I did so far
(2014/08/21 19:50), compdoc wrote:
>> As far as I remember the order:
>> 1) CD drive
>> 2) external USB drive
>> 3) internal HDD
>> 4) LAN (?)
>> But I can move ONLY up and down through that list. The enter key does
>> not work.
Sorry, my mistake. #2 in the above list apparently refers to a floppy
and not a USB drive; otherwise the BIOS setup looks OK to me.
so, I guess, it would not help to make a bootable USB flash drive,
wouldn't it?
* cannot change the order, but #1 always comes first.
* the CD drive is NOT broken; its reads the live CD as well as audio CDs
just fine
* regardless of whether I start the computer with the CD inserted or put
it in later ->
the computer ALWAYS boots from the HDD. AND
it ALWAYS gives me the message about the "Software Package detected"
* today I was able to use the enter keys for some of items in the setup
menu; not all though
once Ubuntu is running, the enter keys works fine
* I therefore assume there is nothing wrong with the hardware
* there is this "SBM" thing, offering to copy an image onto a floppy and
initiate boot from that floppy.
yet, since ALL versions so far, including the one currently running,
have been installed via CD, I would like to think, I do not need that.
anyway, a floppy inserted into the internal drive is not recognized.
* Is there no "run" command or something, where you type "run xxx" into
a terminal and the installation starts?
- or double click somewhere on an "exe" file?
- there is a file called "autorun", but that is only a very short text
file that does not seem to run anything
* since there are all those folders "install", "iso", "ubuntu" etc. on
the CD, I would like to think that theree is somewhere something that
can be executed.
I tried a few things, but since I do not speak "alien", none of the
stuff I typed did any good.
* The live CDs - I tried a few of them - ALL work just fine when
inserted into the Windows machine on my desk.
It is therefore probably safe to assume, that those are OK too.
-> the hardware seems to OK
-> the live CD seems to be OK
Task: find a way to "run" the program and install the "damn thing"
(14.04) .
Is there such a way to get into those programs, or do I have to be
satisfied with 12.04 for eternity (in the not so distant future the
community will tell me, support has ended and I should update my system
Thank you.
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