strange nfs problem, need nfs guru

Tom H tomh0665 at
Thu Aug 21 21:19:05 UTC 2014

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> On Thursday 21 August 2014 14:02:45 Tom H did opine
> And Gene did reply:
>> On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 10:26 AM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at>
> wrote:
>>> On Thursday 21 August 2014 07:22:44 Nils Kassube did opine

>> On

>> cat /proc/fs/nfsd/versions
> gene at coyote:/net$ sudo cat /proc/fs/nfsd/versions
> [sudo] password for gene:
> +2 +3 +4 +4.1 -4.2

You've got nfsd running with all the right versions.

>> rpcinfo -p
> gene at coyote:/net$ sudo rcpinfo -p
> sudo: rcpinfo: command not found
> locate returns empty, not found IOW.
> gene at coyote:/net$ sudo synaptic
> And synaptic can't find it either.

Sorry. It's rpcinfo. I forgot that you're using 10.04. It'll work if
you have libc installed (or rpcbind but I doubt that you have that
installed on 10.04!). Or you can use pmap_dump to get the same output.

>> showmount -e
> gene at coyote:/net$ showmount -e
> Export list for coyote:
> /home/gene shop.coyote.den,lathe.coyote.den

Your exports are shared.

>> On lathe and/or shop:

>> rpcinfo -p
> Recommends install of rpcbind from universe, or libc-bin from main.
> "lathe" reports rcpbind as not available, and that libc-bin is the latest
> version.  But rcpbind is not locatable, nor is rcpinfo.

As above, you'll have to install libc-bin because portmap's pmap_dump
only works locally.

>> showmount -e

> For lathe:
> ene at lathe:~/linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine2$ showmount -e
> Export list for
> /home/gene shop.coyote.den,lathe.coyote.den
> For shop:
> gene at shop:~$ showmount -e
> Export list for
> /home/gene shop.coyote.den,lathe.coyote.den

You're seeing the coyote shares.

You don't need rpcinfo if showmount's giving you this output.

>> mount -v -t nfs -o nfsvers=3
>> somewhere-other-than-/net-since-youre-using-autofs
> This one worked!


>> mount -v -t nfs -o nfsvers=4
>> somewhere-other-than-/net-since-youre-using-autofs
> On lathe:
> ene at lathe:~/linuxcnc/configs/my_LinuxCNC_machine2$ sudo mount -v -t nfs -o
> nfsvers=4 /mnt/gene
> mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Aug 21 14:43:24 2014
> mount.nfs: text-based options: 'nfsvers=4,addr='
> mount.nfs: mount(2): Invalid argument
> mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
> nfsvers=3 works, but nfsvers=4 doesn't ???
> I did the ip4address.0/24 in my exports now, works on both machines IF I
> spec nsfvers3
> I take it that I cannot use /net if using autofs?
> Better yet, why does nfsvers4 fail?  I'll go look at my xconfig again.

There's no need to change your kernel config, it's fine.

You can use "/net" but it's confusing on a list like this one because
it's used for autofs.

I haven't used 10.04 in a while but IIRC nfsv4 wasn't what it is now:

- "-t nfs -o nfsvers=4" and "-t nfs -o vers=4" weren't yet available
so you have to use "-t nfs4" (which still works but has been

- you have to add "fsid=0" (or "fsid=root") to "/etc/exports" and you
have to use "mount -v -t nfs4 /path/to/dir" to mount
the "/home/gene" export (but you still have to use "mount -v -t nfs /path/to/dir" for nfsv3).

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