strange nfs problem, need nfs guru

Tom H tomh0665 at
Thu Aug 21 07:21:23 UTC 2014

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 August 2014 08:15:22 Tom H did opine
> And Gene did reply:
>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 7:23 AM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> wrote:

>>> * Stopping NFS kernel daemon
>>> [ OK ]
>>> * Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...
>>> [ OK ]
>>> * Not starting NFS kernel daemon: no support in current kernel.
>> grep nfs /proc/filesystems
> gene at coyote:/var/log$ grep nfs /proc/filesystems
> nodev   nfs
> nodev   nfs4
> nodev   nfsd

Your kernel has nfs support so OK.

I could've sworn that nfs-kernel-server was now being started via a
native upstart job but I must've been confusing it with rpcbind!

Anyway, it looks like your kernel's failing this test in

                # See if our running kernel supports the NFS kernel server
                if ! grep -E -qs "[[:space:]]nfsd\$" /proc/filesystems; then
                        log_warning_msg "Not starting $DESC: no
support in current kernel."
                        exit 0

1) Add "-x" to the shebang and see if the more verbose output explains
why the test's failing.

2) Does nfs start up if you delete "\$" from "[[:space:]]nfsd\$"?

3) Does nfs start up if you use a distro kernel rather than a
self-built one? (Ubuntu builds a lot of NFS as modules.)

>> cat /etc/default/{nfs-common,nfs-kernel-server}
> gene at coyote:/var/log$ cat /etc/default/{nfs-common,nfs-kernel-server}
> ...

You have the default settings so OK.

>> The syntax of "/etc/exports" is strict. I've never seen or used a
>> trailing "/" so I'd delete it if I were you, although this might be a
>> non-issue.
> I did have a /24 there, took it out, no diff.  Exact same error message.

I meant the trailing slash in "/home/gene/" but I've just added it to
an export of mine and it was OK.

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