Mem test

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sun Aug 10 12:55:30 UTC 2014

On Sunday 10 August 2014 05:57:18 Thomas Blasejewicz did opine
And Gene did reply:
> Good evening
> I was advised to run a "Mem test" on my machine.
> After some study to find out how that is done, I started it last night.
> This test is running now for 17 hours and keeps going .. no end "in
> sight" (there is no indication when this ends)

Memstest86 has no "end point", but as long as it has detected no errors in 
17 hours of running, and the pass number displayed is above 5 or so, its 
entirely safe to quit it, using the quit instructions (press the escape 
key) that are always on screen.

> (while the numbers at the top of the screen keep chaning, at the bottom
> it saysأ¤
> ***** Pass complete, no errors, press Escape to exit *****)
> 17 hours! Is this normal?

It simply loops thru the whole menu of memory tests forever.

> What is this thing checking, that takes so long? (HDD = 320 GB)

Its testing the physical memory in the machine.  The HD and its capacity 
doesn't get used other than as a storage place for this test software. 
Your machines installed memory would seem to be working correctly, so I'd 
hit the escape key which will reboot the machine.
> Just wondering whether I should "escape" ...
> Thomas

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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