
Norman Silverstone norman at
Fri Aug 8 16:04:52 UTC 2014

On 08/08/14 16:55, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 8 August 2014 13:14, Norman Silverstone <norman at> wrote:
>> Thank you, Liam, for your encouragement. I followed the instructions and,
>> with a little bit of experimentation, Windows 7 was reinstalled and the
>> bootloader repaired. The only problem I have is with the Windows
>> installation but that's another story.
> Excellent news! Very glad to hear it.
> This is not really the place for it, but if I might suggest the Ubuntu
> Sounder list in exile, we might be able to help there.
> Warning, it's mostly very offtopic. :¬)
I thought the Sounder list had been closed down.


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