input nightmare

Thomas Blasejewicz thomas at
Fri Aug 8 10:45:17 UTC 2014

(2014/08/08 5:34), NoOp wrote:
> On 08/07/2014 07:23 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
>> * ad keyboard layout -> Japanese (the PC, was determined during
>> installation) + German
>> * under "input method" it says "Ibus"
>> * also installed via the Software center something like ibus-m17m / mozc
>> / fcitx (whatever these things are)
>> * read: .. but
>> cannot make any sense out of that.
>> anyway, trying to execute the instructions there DO NOT enable Japanese
>> input
>> System Settings|Text Entry|Input sources to use: add Japanese if not
>> there already|click 'Show current input source in the menu bar' and you
>> should see the language icon on the top menu bar - click it & select
>> Japanse and ラハハ ンラナ キラ (no idea what I wrote there - I just
>> switched to Kana and typed 'there you go').
Thank you, but that is PRECISELY where I have my problem.
Nothing whatsoever happens when I click on the Japanese icon,
I cannot select / switch to Japanese input.
None of the tricks I learned using earlier versions seems to work here.
Language packs are installed,
keyboards are installed,
input method is set (by default) to "ibus" ...
yet no clicking, not typing, no key combinations ... NOTHING takes me to 
the Japanese input.

Apparently I am missing something, but I after DAYS still not figure out 
what that "something" is ...

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