Different Distributions

Peter Goggin petergoggin at bigpond.com
Thu Aug 7 00:32:41 UTC 2014

Mint and Zorro claim their distributions provide a desktop similar to XP 
and I beleive Zorro comes with a Windows emulator to allow windows 
programs to run.

Does any one have any experience with these distributions?

I have several laptops running Windows Xp and Window 7.  Upgrading to 
the latest versions of Widows is too costly.  These laptops run various 
applications , some of which (e.g.firefox, thunderbird, OpenOffice, 
Libreoffice) run under Linux but a number of programs for genealogy, 
video editing do not appear to have suitable Linux replacements.  A  
linux distribution with built in Windows emulation may solve my 
problems. I want a distribution which does not require me to use lots of 
command line stuff, I am a bit too old for that.

Any help will be appreciated


Peter Goggin

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