Upgrade from Xubuntu 12.04 wants to go to Ubuntu 14.04

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 17:50:34 UTC 2014

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 3:45 AM, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5 August 2014 23:02, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is it possible to go from X12.04 to X14.04
> Yes it is. That is LTS to LTS which is officially supported.

Thanks to Colin and Liam.

Unfortunately, when I did the upgrade, after it finished
"successfully" processing most of the packages (a whole slew went by
with errors I couldn't catch and don't know where to check, none of
which stopped the upgrade or were flagged as critical), upon reboot
the system got stuck in grub-rescue (which has no help facility I
could find and is thus, to me, unusable).

I had to install from the DVD anyway.  That also had its interesting
glitches, but on the third boot it came up and is now running fairly

This underscores why I have never done a release upgrade between major
versions of any OS before - I've always reinstalled.  (When I was
using Windows, that was necessary anyway, but even CentOS was better
reinstalled - I don't remember if they had an upgrade between major
releases option.)

When I have time to do my home computer, that will also be my choice.


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