Are you forced to buy windows in order to solve certain tasks on the internet e.g. like certain banktasks and to update garmin gps maps and other

David Fletcher dave at
Mon Aug 4 19:29:50 UTC 2014

On Mon, 2014-08-04 at 13:52 -0500, Tom Poe wrote:
> It's time for me to reregister my car, so this morning went to the MN 
> state dept of motor vehicles.  I can't use their office locator. as it 
> requires MS silver something or other.  Unless I switch to Windows, I'm 
> left with auto menu on phone, or drive to license office, and get 
> directions from them.  It sucks, being a second class citizen.  :)
> Tom

Sounds to me like US (Un Servicable?) government departments trying to
keep a parasite alive to continue sucking revenue from the rest of us in
order to pay taxes in the US.

No such problems over here in the UK - I've been using Linux to pay for
what we call tax disks, and declare SORN (Statutory Off Road Notice) for
my cars for many years, with never a problem at all. All of you over in
the US might also like to read this little press release:-

and bring it to the attention of your political representatives.


Lisa Simpson:- "They must have programmed it to eliminate the
Bart Simpson:- "You mean like Microsoft?"

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