Help! I cannot upgrade to New Ubuntu release 12.04.4 LTS

Paul Smith paul at
Sun Apr 27 22:07:23 UTC 2014

On Sun, 2014-04-27 at 17:56 -0400, Rick Magraw wrote:

> I have freed up copious amounts of disk space and emptied the trash
> over the past day, but I still get exactly the same error message:

> Not enough free disk space
> The upgrade has aborted.
> The upgrade needs a total of 3.377 M of free space on disk '/'
> Please free at least an additional space of 2.528 M on disk '/'

If you have multiple partitions and your home directory is on a
different partition (e.g, "/home") and not the root partition, then
emptying your trash and cleaning up files in your home directory won't
help at all.

The first thing we need to see is the status of your disk partitions.
Open a terminal window and run the command:


and send the results to the list.

If you see a "/home" partition (a line with "/home" in the "Mounted on"
column) then no amount of cleaning your personal files will help you
because that doesn't free up space in the root partition ("/").

However, 2.5M is not very much!  You can typically free up much more
than that by deleting cached package files /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb

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