10.04.4 LTS: Cannnot select chromium-browser as default browser in preferred applications

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Apr 26 14:17:10 UTC 2014

On Saturday 26 April 2014 09:54:18 Liam Proven did opine:

> On 26 April 2014 02:53, Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:
> > I suspect I may have a perms problem, so where does the file the
> > prefered applications requester located on 10.04.4 LTS?
> How many times, Gene?
> *Don't run apps on your mill-control machine.*

Or my lathe control machine?  Shirley you jest since both run a browser, 
and both run konversation because help is often just a 5 foot walk to the 
other keyboard and ask the question.
> Keep it pristine and clean and pure, with only the CNC-control
> software on it, and ideally, isolated off the Internet. 10.04 is past
> it now.

Nope, absolutely not isolated, other than by dd-wrt in my router, they are 
part of my local network, that way the update-manager can keep me up to 
speed as there is a new release, and a new build almost daily as both 
linuxcnc-2.5.4, which I'm running on those 2 boxes, and 2.6.0, which I am 
running in simulate mode on this machine and 2.7.0-pre (current bleeding 
edge, are under active development, and when 14.04 LTS becomes stable, 
we'll build an RTAI version of it for real time usage, and will then cobble 
up an install CD for 14.04 LTS plus our RTAI patch.  That patch is very 
invasive, so it takes quite an effort to get a good build, so we do not 
follow Linus's latest ever.  I'll give it another 6 weeks to get the 14.04 
CD compiled.  Then those that do have a net connection will upgrade.  Those 
that are busy making a living with it likely will not until they discover 
something in the newer stuff they need.  There is, when its your income at 
stake, an understandable reticence about fixing something that for their 
usage, is not broke.  Me, its a hobby, basically keeping the old man out of 
the bars, so I can afford to cut myself occasionally. :)  But FF on this 
machine has gone into self destruct mode, largely because some of the 
leakier java has been removed.  And our ssl is too old to have the 
heartbleed bug.

> Run 12.04 as a minimum on your own desktop/laptops, preferably 14.04
> in a few weeks once it's stabilised, and you won't have these
> problems.

I am still getting security backports for the 10.04 LTS stuff.  Once or 
twice a week.  We have not been thrown under the bus just yet.

Cheers, Gene
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US V Castleman, SCOTUS, Mar 2014 is grounds for Impeaching SCOTUS

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