Ubuntu LTS 14.04 download query

Peter Smout smoutpete at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 13:50:40 UTC 2014

On 23/04/14 14:03, Ganesh Hariharan wrote:
> Hi,
> I see and I am downloading the ISO of size 564 MB.
> The query is, I want to install on multiple machines and I do not want
> to do online updates/installation of packages from ubuntu mirror
> sites..., so where do I get the additional ISOs (if any)
> Please advice
> Regards
> G

I am by no means an expert but I have in the past done what I am about 
to suggest!

Firstly install the downloaded .iso on a machine (no additional drivers 
etc as the other machines might need different 1's).
Then install any updates and programmes / packages that are needed on 
all machines!

Then following the guide on 
  (note this guide may well be out of date as I notice Remastersys is 
installed on this machine and I don't remember doing that, but I may 
have done ;)  )

Create an .iso from that system to install on the other machines & bingo 
you have a fully updated system with all your favourite apps installed 
and ready to go!

Hope this helps

Pete S

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