UbuntuGNOME 14.04
Gary Kirkpatrick
garyartista at gmail.com
Sun Apr 20 09:48:43 UTC 2014
On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 8:41 PM, Gilles Gravier <ggravier at fsfe.org> wrote:
> So a strange thing happened to me...
> During the beta period, I went to what I thought would get me the latest
> beta of Ubuntu... But where I went was :
> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/trusty/ (which is for
> Ubuntu GNOME not for normal Ubuntu). Since I didn't realize it was
> different, I downloaded the beta.
> And I loved the look. I figured... hey, they're going for touch screens
> and all kinds of new things, so the look is changing. I had noticed "Ubuntu
> GNOME" written on the login screen... but that's about it. :) I figured it
> was just the new 14.04 look.
> Then today I updated an Ubuntu 13.10 machine to 14.04 and found it had the
> old Ubuntu look in 14.04. So I started trying things out to see why I
> didn't get the new look. Tried all I could. Spent a few hours this
> afternoon on it... :)
> Then I read... and found out that "Ubuntu GNOME" is a separate (yet
> official) flavour of Ubuntu : http://ubuntugnome.org/ and that you can
> download it from cdimage and their site.
> If you haven't tried it, it's definitely worth a look! And if you do, you
> can also update a standard ubuntu to Ubuntu GNOME by installing
> "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" metapackage, and selecting "gdm" instead of
> "lightdm"... and then from the new login screen, selecting "GNOME" as your
> session.
> Frankly, I can't go back to the "old" Ubuntu look. :)
> (Of course it's all a question of taste!)
> Gilles
> --
> Gilles Gravier - ggravier at fsfe.org
So if I want to run the gnome interface in Ubuntu 14, is this the
procedure? I do not want to install standard applications etc just the
desktop environment
1. *sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3*
2. Update and install with this command: s*udo apt-get u**pdate && sudo
apt-get install gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop*
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