anyone using SOL ? upgrade 2 1404 safe?

microPPL electriclightheads at
Tue Apr 15 11:05:09 UTC 2014

does this one really exist?
not a single blog could be found related to doing things on this machine
they say as if it comes with ubuntu1210 pre-installed but then
why aint anyone trying 1404b on it or at least live from usb


i ordered a solar pc SOL developed by :
from their registered dustributer :
which turned out to be the famouse fraud-maker :(
the ceo snir of wewi never tells me how many units the japanese distributer acutually ordered so i kept on stoking to the japanese distributer and the guy recently declared that he sent all the unit ppl ordered .. but then changed it to "made a mistake and will send you the different colored version"
i think he wont send any but if he did it must be the demo unit that he himself was testing things with
weird part of this is that once said they can assure me that redstar is okay but now the ceo is saying he doest even care what redstar is doing

o .. excuse me .. 
so does anyone really own SOL
have you tried 1404 on it?


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