Converting Laptops from XP to ubuntu

Peter Smout smoutpete at
Fri Apr 11 22:48:14 UTC 2014

On 11/04/14 21:46, William Scott Lockwood III wrote:
> On Apr 11, 2014 3:41 PM, "Dick Dowdell" <dick.dowdell at
> <mailto:dick.dowdell at>> wrote:
>  >
>  > Oracle VirtualBox is a more robust solution than Wine for running
> Windows applications under Ubuntu.
> This answer makes no sense. You still need an OS. This thread is about
> replacing XP, which has reached EOL. Your answer is incomplete at best.
> VirtualBox doesn't run windows programs. It runs OS's in a virtual
> environment. Further more, some people can't take the performance hit of
> running their application virtualized.
> It may additionally surprise you to learn that some things actually run
> better under wine. The Eve Online client, for example.
My limited experience of wine is that if it will install a win program 
it will install & run it quicker than windows does!!

The older version of office works fine in wine, I use it almost daily!

Dunno what that says about windows but....

Pete S

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