rsync progress
C de-Avillez
hggdh2 at
Sun Sep 29 00:59:07 UTC 2013
On Sat, 28 Sep 2013 20:47:45 +0200
Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at> wrote:
> 2013/9/28 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at>
> >
> > So far I have almost never got any answers to anything I asked
> > here, so here is the next exciting question:
> >
> > I have a script that runs rsync for backup from my internal drive
> > to an external one. It works great, but it would be nice to see the
> > progress. It doesn't necessarily need to be based on file size, I
> > just want to get some kind of hint what's going on.
> >
> > So I searched around and ended up with something like this, just for
> > testing if it works:
> >
> > LineCount=$(find /Some/Folder | wc -l)
> > rsync -anuv /Some/Folder /media/Backup/AnotherFolder/ | pv -l -e -p
> > -s ${LineCount}
> >
> > (pv – Pipe Viewer – needs to be installed first: apt-get install pv)
> >
> > What happens in my case is that all those lines from rsync are
> > scrolling and the last line is:
> > [===================================================================================================================>]
> > 100%
> >
> > Not very useful information if you ask me.
> > I expected no lines scrolling from rsync, but only a ”progress bar”
> > and the progress in % displayed. What am I missing?
> >
> I think I found the answer myself in a video tutorial on YouTube…
> I can just throw the output away:
> LineCount=$(find /Some/Folder | wc -l)
> rsync -anuv /Some/Folder /media/Backup/AnotherFolder/ | pv -l -e -p -s
> ${LineCount} > /dev/null
> Then the 100% thing is all I see. It seems like it doesn't update very
> often, that's why I only see 100%. I tried rsync with a much bigger
> folder and now I got different numbers, and it seems like they are
> displayed every second or so.
> Then I found pv's -i option:
> LineCount=$(find /Some/Folder | wc -l)
> rsync -anuv /Some/Folder /media/Backup/AnotherFolder/ | pv -l -e -p -s
> ${LineCount} -i 0.1 > /dev/null
> Now the numbers appear ten times per second. Nice!
I guess you already got what you wanted, but... did you try --progress?
ab alio expectes alteri quod feceris
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