Recent kernels

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Sat Sep 28 01:21:31 UTC 2013

On 09/27/2013 05:17 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 09/27/2013 04:28 PM, R Kimber wrote:
>>> On Fri, 27 Sep 2013 15:51:05 -0400
>>> Ric Moore wrote:
>>>> If, for instance, you have an nVidia video card and it wasn't properly
>>>> upgraded to the newer kernel, it might be attempting to load nouveau,
>>>> which on my setup is a complete fail with three monitors and two video
>>>> cards. I'd rather see fall-back revert to svga myself.
>> OK. Well I installed the nVidia driver instead of nouveau and all is now
>> well with 3.2.0-54 (at least so far ... )
>> Many thanks for your help.
> I have nothing but hope for the nouveau team, and all the best wishes.
> With that said, I have to avoid it like the plague. Wine does something
> similar (and Steam games that run under Wine) and cannot contend with
> multiple monitors/video cards. But, any native Linux game can, with no
> sweat. It's pure ~joy~ to have monsters coming at you across three
> monitors and 6.1 sound. So, I refuse to use less. So, I limited my
> losses to $25 at Steam. :) Ric


Maybe there is some hope.

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