The launcher and .desktop files

Florian Diesch diesch at
Sat Sep 21 12:36:07 UTC 2013

Am Sat, 21 Sep 2013 11:46:45 +0200
schrieb Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at>:

> I compiled something and I want it in the launcher, so I ran the
> program, right clicked new icon in the launcher, then ”Keep in the
> launcher” (or something like that – I run Ubuntu in Swedish).
> Now, the icon is named ”Namnlöst fönster” (”Nameless window”) and the
> icon is a question mark. Of course I want a proper icon and a proper
> name for it and I guess clicking that ”Keep in launcher” thing
> created a .desktop file for me somewhere, right?

At least in 13.04 ”Keep in launcher” doesn't create a .desktop file,
and it doesn't keep the app after a new login without a .desktop file.

Create a .desktop file yourself. Have a look at Arronax
<> if you want a GUI for

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