
Gene Heskett gheskett at
Fri Sep 20 05:01:13 UTC 2013

On Friday 20 September 2013 00:58:20 Gene Heskett did opine:

> Greetings;
> Trying to install F_Engrave, a gcode (cnc machining) generator helper
> utility, onto a 10.04.4 LTS install.
> But it needs to build it, and doesn't seem to be available
> from my existing sources.list.
> Does anyone have that line from an /etc/apt/sources.list that would find
> it for me?
> Thank you.
> Cheers, Gene

Update, I have installed cxfreeze, its reported substitute, but no clue how 
to actually use it in place of py2exe on linux.

Since I am on the python list, hoping to learn something by osmosis, I will 
take my question there.  Thanks.

Cheers, Gene
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