just happened-cannot close windows

John R. Sowden jsowden at americansentry.net
Thu Sep 19 16:44:36 UTC 2013

I have mail opened tb, and I cannot close it.  I just started writing 
this email, I themn moved the window and clicked on 'file', it now will 
not accept text in the write window (cursor blinks in the window).  I 
had to open another write window to get this out.  I also have firefox 
open, cannot close it, no icons on either in the upper right corner.  no 
'window selected bar at the top of the selected window,  I use mouse 
click to select a window, not mouse over.  FF will not allow me to 
select 'file' 'quit'  when I click on 'file', the drop downs appear, but 
disappear chin I bring the mouse down into the dd menu.

pardon the weird text un edited, as I don't know when all will crash


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