problem firefox

alfieri morillo alfierimorillo at
Mon Sep 16 18:04:08 UTC 2013

Hello! Thank you already try taking a purge firefox, eliminating the cache
the configuration install it again and nonetheless when I install it the
mistake persists, but thank you already it him is I write to the persons of
firefox :D

2013/9/16 Doug <dmcgarrett at>

> On 09/15/2013 09:14 PM, alfieri morillo wrote:
> > Regards! Someone helps me to solve this mistake please! Regards
> >
> > --
> Your query shows a picture of a complaint averring that the profile
> is not loaded. since that must be the first time you are trying to run
> the program, it might be worth trying to reinstall it before doing
> anything more drastic.
> Alternatively, maybe someone on this list can tell you where in Ubuntu
> the profile is normally found. You could look there and see if it's
> there. (It's a hidden file--that is, a dot file, like .profile, but
> I don't think it's called that.) Anyway, here's an url to help you
> find it, if it's really somewhere on the machine:
> --doug
> --
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