Exit bash script on error in loop

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Thu Sep 12 19:02:57 UTC 2013

Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> I can't make exit work as I thought it would work…
> #!/bin/bash
> Title="Error"
> ERROR="Something bad happened."
> while [ something ]; do
>     if [[ something_bad ]]; then
>         yad --title "${Title}" \
>             --image=error \
>             --text "${ERROR}" \
>             --no-buttons \
>             --timeout 5 &
>         exit 1
>     fi
> done
> more_statements
> # End of code
> The problem is that even if something_bad happens, more_statements are
> executed. The yad error messages is displayed as expected, though.

Why do you put the yad command in the background? Maybe that's the 
reason why it doesn't work. Would it be a problem if the script stops 
after the yad job exits? After all it seems like it should display the 
error message for only 5 seconds.

> (yad is a dialogue, similar to zenity, or even a zenity fork, I think
> – yad=Yet Another Dialogue)

Why do you use yad and not zenity? A short test with zenity worked here.


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