offline CLI email

James Freer at
Mon Sep 9 10:12:19 UTC 2013

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 7:59 AM, Patrick Asselman <iceblink at> wrote:
> On 2013-09-08 16:02, thufir wrote:
>> I recently (re-)discovered alpine, formerly alpine, soon to change its
>> name again(?).  Interestingly, it'll now be under some sort of open
>> source license.
>> Anyhow.
>> I never got into emacs, the macros just weren't for me.  I like pine, but
>> offline IMAP is a bit of a hassle, with some python script.  What are
>> some good alternatives?  I've looked at the wikipedia on MUA comparison.
>> Elm looks interesting.
>> Any particular recommendations?
>> -Thufir
> Which is best depends on your usage of course.
> Back in the days, I started with Elm, then went to Pine, and ended up using
> Mutt.
> Don't ask me why, I really cannot remember :-) But I'm sure some googling
> will tell you the differences.
> Best regards,
> Patrick

I'd agree with Patrick when he says a lot depends on your usage... and
the linux etiquette 'all about choice'. Like you I found offline imap
a hassle too.

I found TB and Evolution too slow. Stayed with the gmail UI for
several years. Now google have modified the editing window I have
still used the web UI for this list for the benefit of
conversations... but used Firefox with the addon Gmelius which makes
it pleasantly usable (I did use Chrome but stopped a few weeks ago).

As for an email client I found Mutt more suited to the IT geek who
wants a configurable app... it's a bit of a pig to configure (for me
anyway but I got it going but after spending a lot of time it wasn't
to my liking). Alpine I have found just perfect - well tried and
proven, maintained although could be improved but it is a corporate
email client which to me is very much in it's favour... has a few odd
quirks. BUT most important with text based email clients is THE SPEED.
Rocket power compared with a GUI! I prefer the text based interface
but it is not to everyone's liking.

Only GUI client I found worth considering that is fast enough is Claws
(also has a 'cousin' Sylpheed which is similar) , used the MH for the
mail directory which I think is better than mbox. But still not my
choice compared with Alpine. There is Balsa but I wasn't keen on it.

For linux Alpine is perfect. When one installs the new release every
six months - with Alpine I just copy across the .pinerc and the
addressbook and that is it after the install. I set Alpine up to read
the gmail server directly rather than downloading headers which I
think is the best way to have it (but that's on gmail). I haven't
touched the .pinerc for about two years. Everything is there for my
multiple email accounts. It is very easy to set up but I have made a
help sheet if you would like a copy - some of the alpine setup is a
bit odd.

If you just want something straight forward and trouble free I'd go
for Alpine, if you want to customise then Mutt would be to your liking
I'd have thought. There is quite a lot of customising one can do with
Alpine but I haven't looked into it - excellent help to look up with


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