Chrome Browser?

GaryT taig at
Thu Sep 5 11:47:53 UTC 2013

On 05/09/13 10:54, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 5 September 2013 01:41, GaryT <taig at> wrote:
>> Tom, that does nothing in Firefox?   Neither of them in fact.
> No, those are Google Chrome / Chromium special URLs. There's a hint in
> the name - they start with "Chrome".
> For Firefox, try
> about:plugins

Wonderful, Liam.  Many thanks.

While I'm attending this special class, are there any more?

I already knew 	about:config
and now 	about:plugins
and I found	about:

Given that good start, surely there must be more.
Does anyone know any?


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