blocking web sites

rikona rikona at
Thu Sep 5 06:18:35 UTC 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013, 6:46:10 AM, smout wrote:

> Having read your post, I feel the need to share my experience of
> using the almost compulsory UK government universal job match
> website. It put un-deletable cookies in my firefox,

What makes it un-deletable? Any way around it?

> well had to sudo rm to delete them!

Yuck!!! I can't do that - not a separate file...

> I have since blocked the cookies in my Firefox preferances now I can
> visit their site with confidence that my security remains intact

I'm using Opera, and would like to axe the obnoxious cookie.



 > Peter Smout

> Sent from my HTC 

> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Wes James" <comptekki at>
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
> Subject: blocking web sites
> Date: Tue, Sep 3, 2013 14:12
> You could use iptables to block an outgoing ip address:


> -wes

> On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 3:43 PM, rikona <rikona at> wrote:

> I am getting cookies in Opera 12 that I can't delete, and it is

> pi****g me off. Can I just block the site completely by simply

> entering the url in the hosts file? Haven't needed that in a long

> time, and still wondering if that's the best way to block sites in

> Ubuntu 12.04...

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