Chrome Browser?

Hal Burgiss hal at
Wed Sep 4 19:00:55 UTC 2013

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Nik Th <nikth at> wrote:

> They have told correct.
> If you want the latest Adobe's flash player , you must install Google
> Chrome.
> Why ? I don't know, ask Adobe why. Why they decided to drop the flash
> player support for Linux.
> So Linux stuck in 11.2 version. Careful here, not Ubuntu only, but ANY
> LINUX distribution.
> Feature is here -> HTML5 is near.
> Eventually HTML5 will prevail and the problematic flash player will be
> abandoned completely.
Google has been bundling their own version of flash with Chrome (to make
sure its always updated). Flash is dying, thankfully. Google is no longer
supporting it on Android, so its probably a matter of time anyway for
Chrome as well.

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