Anyone interested in a "GNOME 2 look and feel" remix?

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Tue Oct 29 22:20:43 UTC 2013

On 10/29/2013 04:47 PM, chris wrote:
> On 30/10/13 03:34, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> On 10/29/2013 04:06 AM, Tom H wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 4:23 PM, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
>>>> On 28 October 2013 11:39, Tom H <tomh0665 at> wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> GNOME seems to have an obsession with simplification to reduce code
>>> complexity and to make the interface as uncustomizable as possible.
>>> The latter's driven by a strong interest in their "brand" as if GNOME
>>> is a commercial product like Coke or Pepsi. I don't see how giving
>>> users a GUI option to disable bluetooth or accessibiility icons or
>>> move the clock is a big assault on the GNOME brand but they clearly
>>> do. There was a bug filed by a GNOME developer against an app where
>>> the GNOME developer was asking that app developer to disbale some
>>> functionality because it didn't fit in with the GNOME look. I've
>>> forgotten what the actual bug was but I think that had to do with
>>> indicators and the GNOME developer actually said at one point (more or
>>> less) "you have to choose whether you want to be a GNOME app or a
>>> Unity/KDE/... app"!
>> I just got started with 13.10 and this is certainly the case with
>> Nautilus.  To me removing the ability to have two panes removes the
>> 1st or 2d biggest reason to use a file manager in the first place.
>> I've always looked for one with that ability starting in DOS to Amiga
>> to OS/2 right up to Ubuntu. I've started to look for one to replace
>> Nautilus now.
>> <snip>
>> Regards, JIm
> If you find one Jim let us know. I have found a couple but the seem
> limited in what they can do. I am away from home at the moment, so i
> can't let you know what they are.
> cheers the Kiwi

Another poster suggested Nemo.  I just installed it and for me it seems 
to do everything that nautilus did (before they screwed it up).  I'm 
happy enough with it that I have already deleted all the others I was 
trying out.

Regards,  Jim

Note: In 13.10 it is the software center.

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