13.10 upgrade

Toshi Esumi ubuntu at toshiesumi.com
Fri Oct 25 03:52:25 UTC 2013

On Thu, 2013-10-24 at 10:37 +0000, Tom H wrote:
> >> I've upgraded my machine from 13.04 in this way first time yesterday.
> >> Since it's getting more and more difficult to keep track what I
> >> installed&adjusted after the original installation. So far I don't see
> >> any problems. It was surprise that I couldn't find "shutdown" menu in
> >> Unity when I upgraded yesterday. After a reboot(actually a power-up) I
> >> found it's there as where it used to be.
> >
> > Do you mean the whole menu is missing (in fact the cog wheel itself is
> > missing)? I have seen that a couple of times on Saucy but not been
> > able to work out under what circumstances it disappears. I have a
> > feeling it may be something to do with suspend but not sure.
> The cog disappeared twice for me during the developement phase after
> upgrades of Unity or some element of Unity but a reboot re-instated it
> both times. So whether it was the cog or an element of that menu, the
> reboot fixed it too for the OP.
My symptom is the same as Tom's and many others I found by googling. The
cog disappeared after upgrade. It came back after the power-up but
disappeared again after I wrote this email last night then wanted to
shut it down. So far I don't know what triggered the disappearance.


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