HAL gone in Saucy, now what?

Marc Deslauriers marcdeslauriers at videotron.ca
Tue Oct 15 12:38:05 UTC 2013

On 13-10-15 08:20 AM, William Scott Lockwood III wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 4:44 AM, Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> Am Dienstag, den 15.10.2013, 01:48 -0400 schrieb Ric Moore:
>>> What makes links like /dev/sr0 to such things as /dev/dvd now? HAL used
>>> to and since I did the upgrade, I still have all those HAL rules.
>>> /dev/cdrom is created as a symlink to /dev/sr0, but not /dev/cdrw
>>> dev/dvd nor /dev/dvdrw
>>> Is all the HAL stuff to be erased? Inquiring minds would like to know
>>> and I'm scared! And, what takes it's place? :) Ric
>> it was already erased 3 years ago in ubuntu (only a few universe
>> packages were using it since) ...
>> since you didnt notice it until this thread, why bother now ;)
>> (and as Tom said (and me too in another thread) udev has been replacing
>> hal back then)
>> ciao
>>         oli
> Except where it doesn't - namely, in things like wine that depend on
> the hal libs. DERP.

Wine hasn't been built with HAL support in Ubuntu in a _long_ time, since it
gained support for udisks.


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