Amazon icon

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Oct 9 07:58:17 UTC 2013

On 8 October 2013 18:13, Tom Rausner <tom at> wrote:
> Hi
> Den 08-10-2013 08:56, Colin Law skrev:
>> Still not quite sure what you mean. In nautilus .desktop files that have
>> the executable property set just show as icons in nautilus, and it is not
>> possible to open them from within nautilus (or at least I have not found a
>> method). That is why I specifically said to look for them in a terminal with
>> ls .local/share/applications Then you will see that actual file names. Colin
> When I say I can only find images I refer to .png. The only .desktop -files
> in there has nothing to do with Amazon. They belong to programs I've put on
> the desktop myself.

That's odd, I have just added the webapp (by going to
in firefox and telling it to install it), then pinned it to the
launcher, and in .local/share/applications I see mailrumailru.desktop.
 I also find it odd that you are seeing png files in

I don't understand what you mean when you say "programs that I've put
on the desktop myself".  Do you mean the Desktop (which is a folder in
your home directory) or the launcher or something else?


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